Westerford Admissions 2025 Procedure

Schools are required to adhere to the following WCED admission time frames
which will be applicable to all ordinary public schools ONLY:

11 March 2024

School admissions open
(all ordinary public schools).

12 April 2024

School admissions close
(all ordinary public schools).

15 April – 17 May 2024

Schools process online admission applications.

22 May 2024

Principals finalise and sign off all application statuses on the Online Admissions System.

29 May 2024

WCED system displays the outcome of all online admission applications.

29 May – 03 June 2024

Parents are informed of the outcome of online admission applications per email/SMS.

29 May – 14 June 2024

Parents confirm acceptance.

14 June – 31 July 2024

Schools fill available places.

Term 3

2025 Grade 9-11 Applications Open

Admission Policy
Appeals Process

• All appeals can be emailed to the contact details listed below, alternatively submitted in writing to the School.  No verbal communication will be considered.
• Appeals will be considered only once all successful candidates have responded.
• Unsuccessful candidates will be notified by the end of the third term.
• Further appeals must be lodged directly with the Department of Education District Office.

• Admissions Administrator: Mrs. J Cameron
• Tel: 021 689 9154
• Email: applications@westerford.co.za

Need to Contact Us?

Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!

Telephone: 021 689 9154 • Email: admin@westerford.co.za
Address: 220 Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Need to Contact Us?

Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!

Telephone: 021 689 9154 • Email: admin@westerford.co.za
Address: 220 Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700