Summer Uniform (Terms 1 and 4)
Girls Formal Uniform

Maroon blazer with pocket badge
White golf shirt
Khaki skort / shorts
Long khaki slacks with badge
White ankle socks / Medium beige pantihose / Long khaki socks
Regulation brown shoes / closed sandals (Baby Doll)
Black, brown/maroon hair accessories
MATRIC: White shirt with Matric Tie
Optional: Hoodie

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 and 4)
Boys Formal Uniform

Maroon blazer with pocket badge
White golf shirt
Regulation khaki shorts
Long khaki slacks
Long khaki socks
Brown regulation shoes
MATRIC: White shirt with Matric Tie
Optional: Hoodie

Girls & Boys Informal Uniform

As above without blazer, jersey optional

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 and 3)
Girls Formal Uniform

Maroon blazer with pocket badge
White glad neck shirt (without tie)
Long sleeved white shirt (with a tie)
Grey skirt / grey slacks
Grey or beige pantihose / white or long grey socks
Regulation brown shoes / closed sandals (Baby Doll)
Maroon jersey – V-neck / cardigan / sleeveless (under blazer)
Black, brown/maroon hair accessories
Optional: Hoodie

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 and 3)
Boys Formal Uniform

Maroon blazer with pocket badge
White long-sleeved shirt (with a tie)
White glad neck shirt (worn with a blazer only)
Long grey slacks
Long grey socks
Regulation brown shoes
Maroon pullover- V-neck / long-sleeved /sleeveless)
School tie
Brown / Black belt for trousers
Optional: Hoodie

Other Accessories
  • Only the official blue (old) or maroon (new) Westerford raincoats may be worn with school uniform.
  • Cycling helmets are compulsory for all cyclists.
  • Scarves – maroon (or white for First Team members who are holders of Sports Awards).
  • Head Scarves (hijab) in school colours.
  • Hairbands – Maximum width of a hairband is not to exceed 5cm.

Uniform Stockist
  1. School & Leisure Claremont – This is the official stockist for uniform items.
  2. Westerford Online Store: Amabokoboko – girls school skorts, girls golf shirt, new Westerford raincoat, hoodie, beanie, swimming costumes boys & girls
  3. Westerford Thrift Shop – Carries a full range of second-hand uniform and sportswear at very reasonable prices. We also stock a range of Westerford branded supporters’ items. Our uniform thrift shop located at the school is run by volunteer parents and the operating times are as follows, except during exams when we are closed:

Tuesday: 12:30pm – 13:00pm
Thursday: 15:00pm – 15:30pm


We welcome donations of Westerford uniforms in good condition to sell. If any of the donated clothing is not suitable for resale, we send it to a school, shelter, or organization that can benefit from it

Due to current Covid-19 regulations, please note: All visits to the shop will require the below protocols be followed.

Covid-19 Protocols

  • Entrance via WHS Madiba Walk security entrance
  • Screening to take place at the WHS Front Office
  • No more than 4 families are allowed inside the shop at any time. (One parent per child)
  • Hand Sanitize at the shop’s entrance.
  • The wearing of masks is obligatory at all times.
  • Social distancing is to be observed at all times.
  • It is preferred if children do not accompany parents visiting the shop.


We welcome donations of Westerford uniforms in good condition to sell. If any of the donated clothing is not suitable for resale, we send it to a school, shelter, or organization that can benefit from it. If parents would like the school to sell the clothing on their behalf, please complete the form below.

Need to Contact Us?

Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!

Telephone: 021 689 9154 • Email: admin@westerford.co.za
Address: 220 Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Need to Contact Us?

Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!

Telephone: 021 689 9154 • Email: admin@westerford.co.za
Address: 220 Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700